Saturday, July 16, 2011


I think me and him are bound together in a journey. It's fate to meet him so many times in such a short period. Those that I always wish to meet do not turn up so frequent like him, though I am quite surprised and unwilling to meet him so often. Sian d.

He is my primary school's band PIC, coach and tutor.

The impression towards him in my mind is : He is fierce and bad tempered, a person who likes Japan very much and had been to that country for quite a number of times.

I admitted since I joined primary school band, I always want to play drums. But he gave all the roles of playing drums in the band to my fellow female classmates. The reason being was that those female classmates of mine will have better tempo-follow-up because these ladies play piano. Oh ok.

So me and my friends are assigned to play flute xD Many more other musical equipments available, I can remember melodica. Dun have all those guitars, violins and bass. These are of after-junior level. But of course what we learnt during that time were of extremely junior level. Yet many other instruments I only know them in Chinese name.

No doubt I am still interested in drums. Until now. I am still finding chances to play drums in band. However the knowledge I have on this is too limited. I am just familiar with the basics. I was thinking of taking my intern oppportunity to take up drum courses somewhere since I am already in KL and is easier for me to attend classes compared to I take up the course after intern and back to UTP. But I find it hard to adapt to only-weekends-available time slots because I need to go for work from Monday till Friday. And after work is already tiring. What they are teaching in the trial class are things I have already known. And obviously the 6 months is not enough for me if they continue teaching like this. And I have no other choice but to give up the drum courses.

Did you realize many songs are composed differently, rhythm maybe played by different instruments: electronic guitar, guitar, piano, violins or cello, but seldom are without drums.

And so this man trained us hard. Scolded us bloody harsh everytime in training. Gave us the music spectrum and expected us to know how to play the song the next moment.

He was violent because he will use whatever in his grasp to knock us. Hands, backs, the musical equipments you are holding or whichever parts, you name it.

And so some parents complained to the school pricipal. And he changed dramatically.

He became nice. Really nice. Very polite and si wen. Haha

I guess he recognized my face because I always buy new flute from him. Not because I lost it because everytime I lost the flute I will find it back in whatever ways. I bought from him is because many flutes past my hands will be spoil in whatever manners. I played with my flutes too much xD Hit this hit that, and you know, this kinda of plastic made flute is weak. I threw at my dogs and it will end up in more than 2 pieces.

I still remembered clearly every Sunday of my primary school life, I will often become scare, nervous, crazy and I will cry. Simply because I always lost my flute somewhere at home T.T Monday is the training day. I scare he will whack me if I told him I lost my flute. I just dont rememeber where I'd put it after practising at home everyday. I will make sure every corner of the house a mess and my family members will not help me search also de.

The house is too big. And many times when I realize that my flute was missing, it was around 10 or 11 pm. My bros will say me dai sei and they will just go to sleep.

There were several famous spot that I could always find back my flute.

Either it is slipped somewhere between sofas, somewhere inside my very own school bag but I cant see it, somewhere near shoes rack, somewhere under my bed and blanket or sometimes in school drawer. What a joke.

But is because of him, we were able to perform in so many events in schools, sports day, someone's retiring ceremony, and many whatsoever events, of course the unforgettable PWTC performance too. We were the only Chinese school invited to play. An honour for everyone of us to watch and see the Noob Abdullah, who was the Deputy PM at that time at such a zero distance performance.

And our performance was on newspaper!. I realized my name and picture appeared on newspapers many times during primary school life. For whatever acheivements in primary schools. Sometimes the whole page is dedicated to me and my friends. So proud of it ^.^ Haha. Too bad the newspaper collection gone missing when we moved house T.T

The very last time I met him was last Thursday in The Curve. Before this was in Jusco for many many times and in the car service center. His car tyre punctured. I remembered I helped him to take out the tyre and patched it.

I told my family members too who he was when he arrived at the center. But everytime we termeet we will not greet each other. From his face expression I know he still remember me and from my face expression too, I know I also make him know that I remember him xP

I could not recall his name. But I know I will meet him again in somewhere sometimes again.

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